Fostering a literary landscape that embraces diversity and inclusion, the 2023/24 Call for Manuscripts is proudly extended by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture (DSAC) in collaboration with the Academic and Non-Fiction Authors Association of South Africa (ANFASA). This call is a dedicated platform for amplifying marginalized voices, celebrating South African stories, and preserving heritage in authentic official languages.
The DSAC Publishing Hub seeks to uplift silenced authors, providing a unique opportunity for those who tell South African stories in genuine official languages. This initiative is a crucial step in widening the pool of voices that shape South African literature.
Of the 22 manuscripts selected for funding, three will be transformed into braille editions, making a total of 25 accessible books. This inclusion ensures that visually impaired authors can also partake in the rich literary heritage of South Africa. The DSAC Publishing Hub invites all authors to participate in this transformative initiative, with the manuscript submission deadline fast approaching on 8th September 2023
Diversity and inclusion are not just words; they are the essence of ANFASA's call to authors for manuscripts. The initiative invites submissions that explore unique perspectives, tackle themes of national importance, and reflect South African culture and heritage. Manuscripts in official South African languages, including Khoisan languages, are actively encouraged.
Authors submitting manuscripts to the DSAC Publishing Hub gain more than just funding opportunities. They receive access to publishers who will guide them through the production and publishing process. Moreover, the selection panel is committed to offering advice and support to authors whose manuscripts do not advance to the next round, reinforcing a developmental focus.
Prof Ngubane, ANFASA Chairman, emphasizes the importance of this grant funding: "This initiative empowers silenced voices, champions diversity, and preserves our heritage. We are not only expanding the pool of South African literature but ensuring that it reflects the rich tapestry of our nation."
For media inquiries and further information, contact or call (011) 788 7632
Issued by JT Communication Solutions on Behalf of ANFASA -
Note to Editor
A New Chapter in South African Literature
The DSAC Publishing Hub's 2023/24 Call for Manuscripts marks a new chapter in South African literature. It's an invitation to authors, both established and emerging, to join hands in crafting a literary landscape that celebrates diversity, empowers marginalized voices, and preserves our shared heritage. Submit your manuscript today and be a part of this transformative journey.
About DSAC Publishing Hub:
The DSAC Publishing Hub is a collaborative initiative between the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture and the Academic and Non-Fiction Authors Association of South Africa (ANFASA). It aims to revitalize South African literature by supporting authors, promoting diversity and inclusion, and preserving the nation's rich cultural heritage.
For more information, visit